Monday, November 24, 2008

Update from Kim

Hiiiii everyone. These past few days have been insane. We've done so much, it's hard to keep track of everything. Luckily, I have been able to experience it all with full energy. The three of us didn't have much of a jet lag problem. Each day has been a new adventure. Yesterday was the first footwashing rally, and I have never been a part of something so powerful. I am thankful to all of you that helped me get here. I feel entirely blessed to be a part of God's work in India. My perspective on life is changing. Just being near the people brings me such joy and I feel so much love for them. I can hardly wait for today's rally. I love and miss all of you. Mom & Dad- I love you so much, and thank you for allowing me this opportunity to come to India and love on these people. The two of you have raised me to be a loving person, and I thank you. I'll try and be more consistent about keeping in touch with you. If you read this post please leave your e-mail. Without that I have no other way of informing you on what's going on. All my love.


Bill Clarke said...

Kim... It's so great to hear from you. It's still hard to believe you are in India. You didn't give up on something you believed in and felt in your heart it was the right thing for you. There is always a reason we do things in life. What a life learning
We are all proud of you, the person you are and have become.
We love you dearly, pray that you have a safe visit and return trip home. Our love to you,Roger,Jason and all your friends in India.
Hugs and Kisses to you!
Love, Mom & Dad
(Alison, Brad and Danielle say hi)

Anonymous said...

Kim! It's Zach. Reading the about the things you're doing and seeing is incredible. Just to be able to go over there and take part in the everyday culture is really spectacular. It's amazing. Can't wait for you to get back and tell me all the things you can't fit in the updates!

Hope you have a ton of fun!!! Look forward to the next update!

KC said...

This brought tears to my eyes. I'm so proud of you and can't wait to hear all about it.

Pastor Chris said...

You guys are amazing. They must think you're crazy in India to come all that way to wash feet. What a powerful witness. Can't wait to hear the stories when you get home. Praying for you guys!

Mona said...

Hi Kim,
What an awesome experience! We are so proud to know you! You are definitely following in Christ's footsteps. Don't forget, next time take Jack with you!! You are in our prayers to continue having a safe and fulfilling trip.
Mona, Nilo, & Jack(who should be with you)

Jack said...

Hey Kim,
I'm glad you are having the experience of a lifetime. I hope its everything and more. Keep safe. You are always in my prayers. Hope to hear from you soon. I am looking forward to all your pictures and stories!!!
